Drought Response
Staying more than a few drops ahead.
Because we live in a semi-arid climate, we must expect and prepare for periods of drought. The city continuously monitors water supply and balances storage levels with demand. Storage levels are affected by weather, the amount of snowpack and rainfall, stream flow levels, and other factors. Learn more about Thornton’s water supply and demand in English or Thornton’s water supply and demand in Spanish.

Drought status:
Drought Watch
As of July 10, 2024, the city of Thornton is now in “Drought Watch” due to drought conditions predicted to persist in the Front Range. Thornton’s reservoir storage is normal for this time of year, however hot and dry conditions have resulted in customers using significantly more water than last year. There are no additional mandatory watering restrictions associated with Drought Watch. Customers are encouraged to be efficient with their water usage and adhere to the city’s Outdoor Water Use Rules, which require customers to irrigate turf and lawn areas no more than 3 days/week and only between the hours of 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. Learn more about how to be water-wise on our Saving Outdoors page.

Thornton’s Drought Management Plan:
Securing our water now, and for years to come
Thornton’s Drought Management Plan provides action-based guidance to respond to drought in ways that equal the severity of conditions. During droughts, Thornton can experience a water shortage that could require the community to reduce its water use. The plan also includes additional steps for reducing water demand and acquiring additional water supplies. Read the Drought Management Plan.
Water Use Rules and Watering Guide:
Water lean and still green
In 2021, Thornton incorporated permanent Water Use Rules into the City Code. Our new Watering Guide contains some of the new rules and provides a guide for watering up to three days per week. For complete Water Use Rules visit our Saving Outdoors page and get your Watering Guide.
Additional Drought Resources: